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Learning Management System Steering Committee

The Learning Management System (LMS) Steering Committee (SteerCo) is a joint committee of Saint Louis University's provost and CIO. The LMS Steering Committee provides guidance and direction for 博彩网址大全’s LMS, which is currently Canvas.

The committee is co-chaired by one person representing Information Technology Services and one person representing Academic Affairs. The committee meets approximately monthly during the academic year.


Provide guidance on key aspects of the learning management system (LMS), including: functionality changes; system configuration; timelines for and potential impact of system outages/changes; and other system management concerns.

Note: The LMS SteerCo provides guidance specifically on Canvas, 博彩网址大全’s learning management system (LMS). Their focus is different from that of LTAC, which focuses on a range of University-wide learning technology needs. 


The LMS SteerCo comprises faculty, staff, and student members who represent a range of areas and perspectives. In general, the committee will include: key ITS representatives; key Academic Affairs representatives (including staff from the Reinert Center, the Distance Education Office, and the Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources); faculty representatives (identified, in part, by deans), undergraduate and graduate/professional students (identified by SGA and GSA), and other faculty and staff who hold administrative roles in the LMS.

Membership Expectations

Members of the LMS SteerCo are essential to ensuring that decisions made about the University-supported LMS are informed by meaningful input from 博彩网址大全 faculty, staff, and students. Those who agree to serve are expected to:

  • Attend (approximately) monthly meetings during the academic year
  • Provide input electronically as needed between meetings (e.g., by email, through quick polls)
  • Make recommendations on key topics related to the LMS’s functionality, configuration, and management
  • Work together to arrive at consensus on topics of divergent views whenever possible
  • Balance the needs of specific constituencies with the need for institution-level consistency (and, in some cases, compliance)
  • Share information about the LMS SteerCo’s work with the college/school they represent in a manner that ensures broad knowledge-sharing

While the LMS SteerCo is an advisory body, not a decision-making body, the committee’s work will significantly shape the decisions we make regarding the LMS.

Current Members

Member Location
Debie Lohe, co-chair Academic Affairs / Provost's Office
Mike Holmes, co-chair Information Technology Services (ITS)
Sherry Ashford Doisy College of Health Sciences
Mamoun Benmamoun Chaifetz School of Business
Jill Bright Libraries
Daniel Chornet 博彩网址大全 Madrid
Catherine Cooke Academic Affairs / Distance Education Office
Marissa Cope Academic Affairs / Assessment
Carol Cserneczky ITS-Madrid
Brian Elliott Doisy College of Health Sciences
Mike Elliott College for Public Health and Social Justice
Eric Royer Reinert Center
Srikanth Mudigonda School for Professional Studies
Kimberly DeSouza ITS
Jay Haugen University Registrar
Keli Jackson College of Arts and Sciences
Stephen McMillin School of Social Work
Tim Murphy ITS
Dan Nickolai College of Arts and Sciences
Cindy Rubbelke Valentine School of Nursing
Ted Rubright ITS
TBD School of Law
Mike Swartwout School of Science and Engineering
Jeannine Butler School of Education
Abby Chapman Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources
Ashlynn Winkler School of Science and Engineering (Chemistry)